Friday, November 5, 2010

operation christmas child cheer....

I feel so full of happy Christmas spirit today, I can hardly contain myself!  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we had a big storm bring in a cold front last night which means that here in Florida, it finally feels like fall!  I guess it could be that my 30 days of Holiday Cheer event is just a few days away, or that the girls and I were featured this morning on the Samaritan's Purse Today blog.  Or it may just be the 5 cups of coffee I've already had this morning.  In any case, I'm practically giddy.

Don't worry, I will be posting Part 6 of the Beginner's Guide to Coupons later today, but I just wanted to post a quick update about Operation Christmas Child.  I know a lot of you are busy working on gathering items to fill your box(es), but you may be wondering how to pull it all together.  But don't worry, I found some help.  A very nice representative from Samaritan's Purse sent me this great video yesterday to help guide you through the box packing process:

And if you are participating in Operation Christmas Child or any other sort of charity this holiday season, don't forget to leave a comment here, on my original Operation Christmas Child post.  3 lucky readers will win a $15 Starbucks Gift Card just for sharing how you plan to give back this Christmas!


  1. GREAT article! Princess and trouble :-) you are hilarious. Love and miss you!

  2. I can't believe this--my daughter came in while I was blogging yesterday and said, "Mom, some blogger was featured on Samaritan's Purse's facebook page about OCC." I hadn't had a chance to check it out yet and here you are!!!! We have done it since year one I think and have had the experience of corresponding with some of the children who received our boxes. We also led our church one summer in VBS as the mission project and we made 85 then. It is such a great project.


C'mon, give me some love! Your comments make my day and are truly the reason I keep blogging. I read each and every one and will respond to any questions as best I can!